(土木系)專題演講 : Ben A. Leshchinsky Ph.D. |
2016.10.03公佈 |
日期: 10月19日(三) | 時間: 10am – Noon
演講地點: 懷恩講堂 土木系卓群大樓
Ben A. Leshchinsky Ph.D.
奧勒岡州立大學 森林工程、資源與管理學系
HOST : 洪瀞老師(成大土木)
Ben Leshchinsky received a BS from the University of Delaware in 2007, and an MS and PhD from Columbia University in 2008 and 2012, respectively. He is currently an assistant professor at Oregon State University. Ben’s research interests include landslides; use of soil reinforcement in earth retention, analytical and numerical slope stability solutions and implementation of remote sensing techniques in geotechnical engineering. Ben’s research is based in a variety of disciplines, broadly encompassing geotechnical engineering, water resources, and remote sensing.
Use of Lidar for Landslide Inventorying and Susceptibility Analysis
“Landslides are a prevalent concern in mountainous or hilly regions that can result in severe societal, economic, and environmental impacts. The challenge is further compounded as the size and location of a potential slide is often unknown. This study presents a generalized approach for (1) the inventorying of past landslide deposits, and (2) the evaluation of regional shallow landslide susceptibility using landslide inventories, lidar data, and various geotechnical scenarios.”
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